Let's Get Retrograde - A Mercury Retrograde Survival Guide

kr 114,97 NOK

Ever feel out of sorts during a Mercury Retrograde? The dreaded backspin by the Planet of Communication and Travel messes with our Tech and Messages, Relationships and Schedules... and does 3-4x a year!

Missed flights or disappearing texts? A dreaded ex popping up randomly within the Rx period? Plans getting scrambled and confused? Random need for car or house repairs out of nowhere? 

We have compiled a guide to all things Mercury Retrograde with TONS of helpful hints, breaking down the different areas of focus re: the dreaded backspin. All with a very sleek retro design, feat. Divine, Cher's outfits as Mercury Signs, and of course, Freddie Mercury!

Snafus of the common cosmic phenomenon, no more! This e-book is all about the magick of mercurial energes and how to prepare, instead of be scared. 48-pages of advice, hints and tricks, history and harmonious applications. Enjoy!